Now that the soil is prepared a trip to the nursery is in order to purchase vegetable seedlings for planting. Sometimes I’ll luck up and catch a sale. This was the case this trip to Lone Cedar Farms – a big sale – 50% off and loads of plants to chose from. YIPPEE!!!
I made a mental list of what I wanted and was able to find:
- Bell Peppers
- Thai Hot Peppers
- Hungarian Wax Peppers
- Cayenne Peppers
- Okra
- Sugar Baby Watermelon
- Cantaloupe
- Eggplant
- Mountain Gold Yellow Tomatoes
- Black Tomatoes
- Caspian Pink Tomatoes
- Roma Tomatoes
- Supersonic Tomatoes
- Yellow Squash

In addition to what I purchased they also had other varieties of peppers, squash and tomatoes as well as corn.
This time of the year plants tend to be pretty sizable and ready for transplanting whenever your space is ready.

- I’ve always heard that corn doesn’t produce well when transplanted so I have never purchased any corn plants but started corn from seeds instead.
- Another option for plants is starting your own from seed indoor. I normally start plants in planting trays in late March or early April indoor providing as much sunlight as possible and watering them regularly. After the last frost and as the temperatures rise throughout the area I move them to the porch to grow until the time comes to transplant them to the garden.
- Keeping plants well watered until time to transplant is essential to get them off to a great start once they are in the ground.
- You don’t need a huge space to plant a garden – any space is big enough for planting even containers on patios and porches even a windowsill. Check out this HGTV article for some great ideas.
- Don’t be afraid to purchase plants that have already started to bear vegetables.
Next time we transplant our wonderful veggies to the prepared soil…