Our Ancestors Quincy Hipp, wives Dessie Wheeler Hipp and Ethel Wheeler Hipp and daughter Mary Louise are buried at Providence A.M.E. Church in Little Mountain, South Carolina.
I visited the grave in May 2018 after Uncle Ulycess “Bae” Hipp’s funeral and realized it needed some care.
Stage 1 – June 2018
As you can see from the photos weeds grew in the pea gravel, the border bricks have moved and deteriorated and the bushes needed trimming.
On July 21, 2018, while in Columbia for the Davis Family Reunion Billy (boyfriend) and I spent several hours working on the Hipp gravesite. We removed weeds, trimmed the bushes, cut down “volunteer trees” and dug up what roots we could.
After which we put down landscaping fabric and after two trips to the Lowe’s in Newberry we put down 30 bags of Marble Rock in the middle of the plot. The cost of all the supplies was close to $150.
NOW Your help is needed to finish this project. The left and right sides of the plot need landscaping fabric and rocks and the small tree root on the right side near the bush needs to be removed (see photos). Additionally the brick border needs to be reestablished or we need to find a company to install a marble border.
– DONATIONS are needed to purchase more rocks. The bags are about $3.65 each and we need about 25 – 30 more.
– MANPOWER is needed to fill in the rest of the plot with landscaping fabric and place rocks in the rest of the plot.
– BORDER: New bricks or a Marble Border needs to be purchased to maintain the edges of the cemetery plot.
Please let me know how you can help with finishing this project THIS YEAR.
Vicki McGill ❤️
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Very thoughtful of you to do that! Commendable.
I’ll make a donation.